Cafe: Wiki Cafe 위키카페
Address: 서울특별시 종로구 사간동 51
Phone number: 02-720-9073
Opening hours: 10:30am ~ 9:00pm
Naver map:
(download Naver map, click on the link and you will get the direction on you phone)
How to get there:
Nearest station - Anguk Station (10mins walk), exit from exit no. 1 and walk according to the map.
There are few stations nearby. I would suggest to use Naver map to check which is the fastest route for you.
1. In the "출발" column key in your own address in Korean/click "내위치" for the app to detect your current location.
2. In the "도착" column key in "위키카페"
3. Click "대중교통" for public transport route, "자동차" for car route, "도보" for walking route.
On the way to Wiki Cafe, Gyeongbokgung Palace on the left.
Turn left right after you see the Wiki Cafe sign board.
The small road to Wiki Cafe looks like this. Don't worry, keep walking, almost there.
Wiki Cafe Sign Board and Menu.
Sungmin Wall Art (Picture time!)
Message Board for Sungmin
Honey Toast, Green Tea Latte & Chocolate Latte
You can take picture of Gyeongbokgung Palace on Wiki Cafe rooftop.
拍摄 photo by: @miheexp
Don't modify and please credit when take out